18. oktober, 2017
Analysis of smartwatches for children
As a part of our work on the Internet of things, the Norwegian Consumer Council (NCC) has analyzed consumer rights in four smartwatches for children. These devices were all bought in Norwegian stores, and are called Gator 2, Tinitell, Viksfjord, and Xplora. These smartwatches for children are wearable mobile phones that allow parents to use an app on their smartphones to keep in touch with and track the location of their children.
Since the main purpose of these devices is to give parents peace of mind while their children play freely outside, we see it as crucial that they maintain adequate security and privacy standards.
The project consists of two parts: an analysis of the features of the apps/devices and the accompanying user terms, presented in the WatchOut report, and a technical report commissioned by the NCC and produced by the IT security company Mnemonic.

Finn Myrstad