Consumer tips using activity trackers
2. november, 2016
Here you will find advice on how to best safeguard your consumer rights and privacy when using activity trackers.
1. Check which data are being shared before using the wristband
The privacy settings control who your information is being shared with. Some apps require you to go to their website to check these settings.
2. Decide which permissions you want the app to have
Both Apple and the newest versions of Android give you the opportunity to control permissions. For example, you can deny the app access to your camera or contact list.
3. Consider which data you want to share with Facebook and Google
Many apps give you the opportunity to log in through Facebook or Google. This makes it easier to share your results and find your friends, but could also give the companies access to your data.
4. If you switch wristbands or fitness apps, you can often export your fitness data
Many apps let you download your fitness data. Before switching services, you should check whether the new service actually lets you import these data sets.
6. Delete apps that you are no longer using
Many apps use location data to log your exercise. In some instances, this information is shared even when the app is not in use. You also save storage space when you delete apps that are not in use.
7. Delete your account if you are not using the service
Information about you is not deleted even though you deleted the app. Go to the service’s website and delete your account and personal data if you no longer wish to use the service.

Øyvind H. Kaldestad
Kommunikasjonsrådgiver – digitale rettigheter og strøm